CSU Scholarship Presentation Ceremony

The annual event was held yesterday afternoon at the CSU Dubbo campus and was a very good ceremony with Sarah Ansell – Wagga Advancement office, Justin Williams – Bathurst , and James McKechnie – Dubbo, in attendance to conduct the presentation. Dr Libbey Murray CSU, other CSU staff, Clr Mathew Dickerson and representatives of Dubbo RSL Club and sub branch were in attendance.


The successful recipients for the 2 Tony McGrane scholarships were:

Latoya Richards– Dubbo. Bachelor of nursing

Jordi Petty– Dubbo. Bachelor of nursing


As you will note from the photo attachment each were in attendance to collect their $5000 scholarship, and both have been invited to attend this year’s dinner, on Sunday 15 September at Gilgandra. I was pleased to present the scholarships on behalf of the CSU Tony McGrane MSF Committee.


It takes the number of scholarships provided to 23 since 2010.


CSU announced at the ceremony 471 scholarships valued at $3.7m were awarded from 7000applications.


A further circular about the 2024 function will bedistributed soon.


Bob Berry & Manny Portelli