About Fiona

Fiona Gibbs has been with Bob Berry Real Estate since early 2010, having gained her Certificate of Registration in 2006, and working in the rural property industry before joining our company as Property Manager of our residential property portfolio.  Since then Fiona has progressed to also assisting Bob in the management and sale of commercial and industrial properties. Fiona has gained a great deal of experience and knowledge in regard to the material aspects of property management enabling her to advise investors regarding property maintenance and upgrading to maximise their income potential. Accurate and complete Premises Condition Reports are essential for the smooth finalisation of tenancies and Fiona has the process finely tuned to produce excellent reports which assist in minimising the likelihood of disputes when tenants vacate. Fiona’s excellent people skills enable her to liaise successfully with clients, tenants and tradespeople even under the stress of emergency situations resulting in the best outcomes for all involved. Fiona is a highly valued member of our team and her professionalism and conscientious nature is a great asset to the success of our company.